How To Pack For Your Honeymoon

How To Pack For Your Honeymoon
You've planned the wedding, you've booked your honeymoon, and there are only two days left until you get married and immediately head off for your two weeks of love and relaxation. Any girl will be left asking what to pack. You don't want to overpack and end up going over the weight limit with no space for souvenirs but you don't want to forget something essential and pay an exorbitant price for something you could have bought at home for a pound.
First things first well before you book your trip ensure that your passports will be in date and none of your debit or credit cards need renewal. Book travel insurance, especially if you're going somewhere exotic with diseases you may not have been exposed to, and bring spare copies. When you book tickets and hotel reservations, print two copies and stick one in your suitcase just in case you lose your bag. It's also a good idea to have a couple of passport photocopies, and leave one with each set of
How To Pack For Your Honeymoon
parents in case of emergencies. If you take any medicine, bring it in its proper bottle so you know the prescription name.
Some companies still advise you to take out traveller's cheques in your home currency. Personally, I would consult with my individual travel agent, but in many cases it's easier and cheaper to bring a debit card (along with an emergency credit card) and get out native currency when you arrive or buy it beforehand. Many places are confused by traveller's cheques and nothing is worse than buying 200 worth of them and then realizing you've just wasted all that money.
To be honest, it's probably packing your clothes that has left you perplexed. But think about it: how many formal dresses will you really need Think about restaurants you've booked and shows you plan on seeing and consider packing one sun dress and one formal dress preferably a little black one and just bring along a cardigan or light sweater to change your look slightly if you end up wearing one of them
How To Pack For Your Honeymoon
more than once. Your future husband should only need one nice pair of pants and a matching or at least non-clashing jacket. Don't forget an evening bag, either.
I'd also recommend bringing two swimsuits each. If any mishaps occur and your suit gets torn, you don't want to miss out on the water for the rest of the honeymoon. And beyond that, it's not very pleasant to put a cold and clammy swimsuit back on; it's always nicer to have a fresh dry one. Consider packing a bikini and a one-piece in case you're into beach sports.
As far as casual clothes go, bring the minimum required number of shirts and make sure you have at least one outfit of clothing that you wouldn't mind throwing away. This is a must especially for the more adventurous among us that way if your clothing gets really filthy on your treks through the jungle, you won't have to worry about trying to fix it or bringing it home. Don't forget old shoes either and make sure you have comfortable walking shoes in general, not just fancy sandals or heels. And bring along a pair of jeans. You might be headed to the world's hottest honeymoon destination, but you'll probably be cold on the plane.
Buy and pack any medicines you think you might need ibuprofen and aspirin and antacids, for example because these medications may be expensive or not available where you're heading. And even though you've done everything in your power to prevent the lady in red arriving on your honeymoon, bring along pads and tampons. Better safe than sorry. If you enjoy reading, bring a book or two for each of you that you wouldn't mind leaving in the hotel lobby when you've finished. Books in English are hard to find in some destinations and much too expensive in others.
I also think it's handy to bring an extra collapsible bag maybe a backpack - along. If you're under your luggage limit, this can be a great way to take back souvenirs, but even if you're not it's handy to have an extra bag along for the gym, the beach, or hiking.
Most importantly, use your own personal discretion Consider carefully whether you will actually need what you're packing. Your honeymoon is about you and your new husband, not about your sense of style. But do remember your camera; you'll want to remember this no matter what you end up wearing.